Experienced Bankruptcy Paralegal & law office support

Paralegal and legal assistant services available to bankruptcy attorneys and law firms. From client intake through petition preparation and filing, learn how to lower overhead costs and better manage case workflow.

Customer Success with remote paralegal

Linda Rantz, Paralegal

Bankruptcy Paralegal  |  Digital Law Office Consultant  |  Virtual Coffee Aficionado

Bankruptcy Petition Preparation

Bankruptcy petition and forms prepared by a skilled paralegal.

Client-Friendly Intake

Our versatile interview worksheets are client-friendly and customizable.

The Digital Law Office

Good digital tools contribute to a better client experience!

Paralegal bankruptcy petition preparation services

Using contracted paralegal services for bankruptcy petition preparation increases profitability, ensures accuracy, and contributes to an excellent client experience.

Client-friendly Interview Worksheets for intake


Typical worksheets generated by bankruptcy software are friendly to the software and usually not the client.


Our interview worksheets can be customized for the attorney or firm’s practice approach.


We offer tips and suggestions for working with our Interview Worksheets.

The Digital Law Office

Coming soon – we provide insights and tools for law offices to streamline processes and become a digital law office.

PC and Gavel